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Korea Sim Card

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Product Review

Product Reviews
No. Category Review Name Date View Recommend Rate
741 Korea SIM Gold View Details 方便,櫃台人員處理快速


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C**** 2024.01.16 1123 0 5points
740 WiFi Egg(Router) View Details 普通によかった

言えばバッテリーも借りられるとのことだったので備考のところにバッテリーも借りたいと記載したのですが入っていませんでした。 渡された後にちゃんと電波繋がるか今確認して、と言われて無事繋がることをお互い確認し合うため繋がらない心配はあまりありませんでした。 バッテリーも17時間くらい持ってくれたので余裕でお昼遊んで夜も遊べました。 また機会があったら利用したいです^^

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瑠**** 2024.01.16 1256 0 5points
739 Korea eSIM Red View Details 非常に便利!そしてお得!


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ル**** 2024.01.16 1285 0 5points
738 Korea SIM Blue View Details

Great Service

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A**** 2024.01.16 1442 0 5points
737 Korea eSIM Red View Details

I worried about poor connection but it was so perfect!

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P**** 2024.01.16 1338 0 5points
736 Korea SIM Blue View Details

Best to use if you want to make a call as well in Korea!

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J**** 2024.01.15 1234 0 5points
735 Korea SIM Gold View Details

Easy connect , easy to use ~ i will use it agian

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A**** 2024.01.15 1237 0 5points
734 Korea SIM Gold View Details

I've ordered it 3 or 4 times now, 

just bring your vouvher to the counter in the airport (instructions on where to find the counter are on the voucher) and insert it in your phone, it works right away

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n**** 2024.01.11 1244 0 4points
733 Korea SIM Gold View Details


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s**** 2024.01.11 1069 0 5points
732 Korea SIM Gold View Details

It was really handy that I just needed QR code

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F**** 2024.01.11 1057 0 5points

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